
Welcome to Taking Strides Counselling.

Counselling in Weston-super-Mare

I have a wealth of personal life experience which helps me to empathise with you. We experience situations differently and although I may not know how you are experiencing this, I can understand and see it from your perspective. I have been where you are, maybe unsure if it is what I need to do, scared to open up to a stranger but it was the most liberating thing I have done. 

It can be difficult to seek help but this can free you from the problems weighing you down and allow you to move forward and grow into the person you want to be. It can help you to understand yourself and the situation from a different point of view.

We live in a world full of constant demands on our time and on ourselves. These pressures can sometimes become too much and affect our emotional wellbeing. These can be from relationships to work to family issues past and present. Sometimes these are hidden from us until we look at ourselves.

Counselling can help with a range of issues including stress, anxiety, depression, low self-confidence and low self-esteem. It can also help with historical abuse and the trauma surrounding this.

I offer face-to-face, telephone or video counselling in a safe and friendly environment where you can feel supported as we work through any problems you may be facing. I am non-judgemental and my practice is open to everyone from any walk of life

“Once an experience is fully in awareness, fully accepted, then it can be coped with effectively, like any other clear reality.”
- Carl Rogers

This design comes with a matching 404 page for users who reach an unrecognized site url. Below is a screenshot of that link or you can see it live here.

Shape5 Vertex uses articles to display a 404 page rather than a hard coded php file that's hard to modify, like many other designs do. This means you can modify the look or wording of the page very easy without having to modify a file, and it keeps all of your site navigation in tact for ease of use for your site viewers since it uses the template and not an external file. It's as simple as editing an article through the CMS to make any desired changes, or simply leave it as shown! Our site shapers come pre-packaged with the custom 404 page article. If you are setting up a brand new site without a site shaper the easy follow instructions are below the screenshot on this page.

Setup Instructions

  • These instructions are for non site shaper installs. If you're installing with a shaper just make sure to leave the article titled "404 Error Page" published and you're done!
  • If you are installing a fresh installation with no sample data simply create an article and make sure it's titled "404 Error Page". It must be given this name for the Vertex framework to identify the page needed to be used.
  • You can put any content that you want on this new article, or we've provided the code used on this demo below.
  • Save the article to any category, just make sure it's published.
  • That's it, you're done! The site will now redirect to this article when ever an unrecognized url is detected.

The Code Used For This Demo

<div id="wrap_404">
<h3 class="title_404">404</h3>
<span class="line_1_404">Oops, sorry we can't find that page!</span>
<br />
<span class="line_2_404">Either something went wrong or the page doesn't exist anymore.</span>
<br />
<a href="" class="readon">Home Page</a>

Pricing Table

I can accept Cash or Bank Transfer. Invoices will be sent via post or email.
For video or telephone sessions, payment is required at least 24 hours in advance of the session.

We believe Counselling should be available to everyone, so if you need support whilst on low income please contact me to discuss this further.

Connect With Us Today

Contacting me is easy, either complete the form, call me on 07899 267938 or follow me on the below links!